Chapter 2657 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep149
- Upon entering their unit, both women noticed Ron sprawled out on the bed. Each also noted that, in what was a rarity for this trip, he did not have an erection, although his cock and balls were still sexily highlighted as the thin, clingy sheet was practically molded to his lanky body. He was breathing heavily, appearing to be in little danger of being awakened by the tipsy, and louder than necessary women.
- Pam squelched her first instinct to acknowledge the unexpectedly erotic presentation of the well-endowed teenager. She reminded herself that even though her friend had promised to behave, Beth would most likely seize upon any perceived weakness in her restraint concerning Ron to find a way to further the temptation already presented by the unaware boy.
- "Well, it appears Ron has staked claim to the big bed tonight, do you want to sleep with him, or do I get to?" Beth asked.